Yes, I did just want to name a post "Razzle Dazzle" cause that was the first thing that popped into my head. In case you haven't heard yet, I did finally manage to get a job at an emergency vet clinic. I'm not sure why, because they were adamant that I didn't have enough experience, but on their little test thing I answered questions in a way I guess they really liked. (Note to self: I know you hate acronyms, but you could at least have remembered that CRT stands for "capillary refill time." Ugh.)
Anyway, a lot of that test was "what are these acronyms!?" and I was like "noooo, my mortal enemy!"
But, I finally (even if it was like 10 months after I started seriously looking and 5 months since I applied there) got a job at a vet's office. And it's not a boring vet's office! I might have gotten a vet tech job in League City, and I liked the vet, but...nothing ever happened. Regularly, there'd be fewer than five clients in a day and most of the time, there were no surgeries. (Also he could barely afford to pay his rent.) However, at an emergency vet, either nothing happens at all or you're totally overwhelmed with interesting/depressing cases.
My Petco manager tells all my co-workers she's afraid I'm gonna quit. Come on, I'd give notice, and I already told you I wasn't quitting unless I was literally incapable of doing both jobs. Besides, there's a really expensive parrot there that I could never afford, so I have to keep working there so I can play with it.
Now I just need to bother one of the vets for a recommendation...
Also, vet school applications are going as well as could be expected. Mostly need to round up recommendation letters and do each school's application cause they're all jerks and want me to write everything twice.