So she was all like "remember that last time the dogs got a(n???) opossum and I ran in to get you cause I don't want to bag dead things if I can possibly help it, and you came out and it was gone cause it was playing opossum like opossums are wont to do? Yeah they have a(
So I said, "seriously mom you can't take care of it?" and she was all "nooo way," and since I'm mean and spiteful, I made Chris come with me too since he happened to be here. Sure enough, Loki was pulling a 10ish pound opossum around by the tail (She-Ra was watching him somewhat disinterestedly,) but, some Chris-footed encouragement got the dogs to leave it alone. Anyway, I went in and grabbed the shed key so I could go get the shovel if necessary, and Chris was complaining that Loki was all bloody, so I told him to just wash the dog already*. I got the shovel, and when I came back the opossum had his head up and was being very still, so I just watched him. Apparently he decided I wasn't being threatening (though I was planning to bust his head in with the shovel if he couldn't walk away,) and he got up and started high-tailing it out of the yard as well as he could with an injured leg. Well, I'm not about to run after a opossum and smack it with a shovel if I don't have to, and I wasn't really looking forward to getting blood and brains everywhere, so I watched him wander off until I couldn't see him anymore.
Chris was sortof washing Loki in the garage sink and was being all wussy about the blood and going "eee don't let it touch meee!" so mom and I made fun of him a little bit about that. Okay, I guess I'm used to blood cause of the whole vet-thing, but what's mom's excuse? Maybe she's just a little psychotic?
She-Ra had some blood on her cheek, so I washed it off and decided that brushing their teeth would be a good idea and why the hell didn't I brush their teeth after the skunk incident, gross.
Turns out She-Ra at some point had her mouth on said opossum cause her teeth were bloody too.
This is why I don't let the dogs lick me.
*(# of baths Loki's had this week: 5 and counting, apparently?)
I was going to post a picture of the skunk but I decided that'd probably be in poor taste.