Monday, October 31, 2011


It's my favorite day! Sadly, this is the worst Halloween ever, being on a day I am scheduled to work and also a weekday when everyone else works/goes to school/whatever, which means I can't dress up. If I was working as receptionist tonight I totally would, but it happens to be a tech-training day for me and I think dressing up would be a bad idea (although if I dressed as a zombie I could get some very "realistic" blood spatters >> but you didn't hear that from me.)

I realized the other day that I stopped doing all the fun stuff to my blog, which makes me sad. My tablet hates my new computer so I stopped drawing, more or less, and I'm too lazy to keep my playing with HTML intact, so I stopped doing alt texts and junk.

I have too much free time and also not enough free time. I think I zone out a lot in my free time cause I'll suddenly realize it's been three hours and I have to go to work and/or it's 4am and I should go sleep considering I don't remember what happened between the hours of midnight and 4am.

I demand, since I didn't get to dress up for Halloween, to go to the Renaissance festival or something, to get my dressing-up-but-people-don't-give-you-weird-looks-for-it quota filled.

(Hello, one random reader in France!)
