Friday, May 18, 2012


I may be a colossal nerd, but this is the best comic I have ever seen: Also, if you have not yet watched the entirety of Holy Musical B@man you should, because it is also the best thing ever. That is all.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Well I'm about 94% sure that I have defeated all the bedbugs in my room (is that what you were calling about, Nathan?) On the other hand, it is now mosquito season so I'm getting bitten anyway only now it's accompanied by an annoying buzzing and intense itching instead of just intense itching (and gross factor.) I've spent all my free time lately playing Mass Effect instead of something productive, like cleaning my room again/still/continuously or ...watching mom organize her books in an attempt to convince my sister that she has, in fact, been keeping track of them all along. I think I will get her a barcode scanner for her birthday because this nonsense is ridiculous. Anyway I miss being in grade school cause I had a ton more time to play the ridiculous backlog of video games I have. Seriously I'm like two years behind and getting further behind. Also, since my sister and her hubby-wubby are coming to visit, the nice cool weather we've been having will definitely go away. You will have poor timing, mark my words! I'm going to be working on my birthday again. Woo? Speaking of work I guess it's weird that I frequently eat while watching the surgeries or while we're making dogs puke all over. I mention that it might be weird because the other techs give me the weirdest "that-is-the-grossest-thing-ever-how-could-you-possibly-eat" faces, which is kinda entertaining, actually. I guess I objectively recognize when things are disgusting but I don't actually feel disgusted/nauseated/repulsed by them. Other than smells, smells can be pretty nauseating. I'm still waiting on moving out because I can't decide whether I really want a roommate or if Danielle will actually be available as a roommate and mom won't let me leave until I'm absolutely sure there are no more bedbugs. Also I'm lazy and don't want to clean my room (perpetually.) And, mom doesn't want me to pay for an apartment with a washer/dryer/wd connection so that I have to come back home to do laundry. Especially considering the fiasco that occurred the last time someone I knew used a laundromat. My laptop keyboard sucks balls.
