Friday, June 22, 2012


I give my sister a lot of grief for genuinely liking Twilight. Perhaps I shouldn't, but I'm the little sister and my job is to torment any older siblings I may have. Hey, sis you're almost thiiiirtyyy (so old! ancient!) But you know, I like some really stupid shit. I confess I have a soft spot for: Nickelback. 80's pop. Rock operas, hell yes. Musicals, but especially campy musicals like B@tman! Shitty 8-bit-retro techno that isn't from Super Nintendo games but sure as hell sounds like it. That awful Xanth series by Piers Anthony that bursts its' pun pustules all over you on every page. It's awful and I love it. Deliberatley leeving grammer-n-typo-ridden commints on sites to feed the Grammar Nazis. Also, feeding the trolls. Literal Music Videos. Oh, oh, neon animal prints. Which are trendy again, apparently. Whatever, I can fuel my need for neon again. Diedre claims this isn't a faux-pas for me cause I've always worn stupid shit. Woo, free pass! Dinosaurs? I guess most people grow out of that phase (how could you, you traitors!) I'm kinda terrified, actually, that there's something I love that is phenomenally stupid and I can't recognize it. I'm sure there is, actually. Anyway, in other news, I'm moving out in August (finally.) But now I'm researching internet and electric companies and I'm lil bit terrified. What the hell did I do augh! I suppose I will keep you informed as things progress. If I feel like it. Mom tells me not to joke about Nathan going bald cause it gives him a complex. Oh, oops! Sorry!
