Friday, February 26, 2010

You know...

That you've got great friends when you can hold entire conversations about naked flag football with them without them batting an eye.

Anyway, I'm in a really good mood despite having to call my auto insurance company tomorrow cause they're stupid and not having done my homework, cause I'm certainly having fun.

I wish I had my bike up here so I could go ride it, now that temperatures are getting reasonable. Okay, honestly, this post is more about pushing sad post off of the top for a while than actually having anything to say. But for the sake of keeping my blog interesting (other than oily naked flag football, which I think is considerably sufficiently interesting for any gourmet blog-viewer,) I'll attempt to keep the bar up. Or at least not quickly sinking.

Tomorrow I'm taking Chris and Scott and Danielle to see the Hall of Anatomical Anomalies (which isn't officially called that, but I thought it was a suitable name) just because it's so awesome, as the name suggests. It's like A&M's own little Animal Body Horror Display. Maybe I should start calling it the Pet Shop of Horrors. I'll name everything in it, because they all have boring names like "Porcine" and I just got "Porky the Pig" on so many levels, how pathetic is that?

How's everybody's Lent going? Apparently you should all be eating kosher, all the time, according to a known authority.

My room is clean for the landlord to not get annoyed or take away the security deposit, and we had a fun spring cleaning couple of days. Everything is all sparkly and temporarily clean (because we know it will never stay that way,) and I'm suddenly wondering why I have so much stuff here. What is this accumulation of stuff from? I hardly ever buy anything!
Also, in true girly fashion, I have too many shoes. Ah, my shoe fetish takes up too much of my closet floor, but I refuse to get one of those door-hanging shoe racks, because that means I have too many shoes.

I guess it's back to dirty conversations before this becomes tl;dr!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The box

(Sorry for being kinda a downer today; I guess it just happens the later it is and the more tired I am.)
I wish I knew what to do with my life. Seems like what I thought I wanted, I guess I don't want anymore. If only I knew that I didn't want what I thought I wanted, or better yet, actually knew what I do want. Better better yet, someone take care of me so I don't have to anymore. I feel absolutely demotivated.

I guess I'm fated to always wonder if people think about me as much as I think about them. It's weird to think that a lot of my peers are married and a lot of those even have kids already, when I still haven't grown up yet, and doubt that I ever will, really. Maybe this is why I chose a career path with the most possible school...

Someone on Facebook asked me to complete a personal survey. I don't think I'm that interesting, which is exactly why I have a blog (Hah!). Plus I'm always wary about sharing that sort of thing with other people, because I'm just that shy and secretive. Should I really be giving people advice? A lot of people seem to ask for it, but I feel distinctly unqualified. I would hate to say the wrong thing or have my advice interpreted in a way I didn't expect or intend. I just want to do the right thing, and I want everybody to be happy. These are my confessions; all I ask is forgiveness.

I guess Lent starts now?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Max, stop coughing, damnit!

I was going to tell you about my dream, but now I've spent too long loafing around on the internet (and not studying for my test in an hour or so) and have forgotten it.

Is it terrible of me to just wish that my dog would stop coughing so I can sleep for more than a couple hours at a time, and debate whether kid's cough medicine or sleeping pills will help more? Sometimes I really want to leave him at home so my parents can deal with his coughing and I can sleep for once.

I finally found the source of my toe hurting--the (probably) spider bite is nice and swollen now so that I notice it (but I don't see punctures) so I slapped some analgesic on that sucker and am hoping it wasn't a brown recluse bite and my toe won't become gangrenous and fall off. I am happy with my current state of reasonable symmetry and would like to keep it that way.

I'm really happy that I spent $15 less at the grocery store yesterday and got more (and healthier) food than usual. I'm going to try this "actually cooking" thing, which seems like it'll end up "throw stuff in a skillet and be happy."

V-day is coming up and I get to see Wolf Man, how great is that? Still trying to decide if I should make lots of cookies for everybody, but I guess I'd have to do that tonight.

I really wish I could remember that dream...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Supersonic Tech-tonic

Someday I'll get something that will let me update posts via airwaves, because God forbid I remember anything long enough to get out of the shower and get dressed.
Part of what I was musing over (in the shower) was this:
If we accept, for simplicity's sake, that phenotypes are solely the physical expression of your genotype, then why do people seem to choose those that look like themselves? From an evolutionary standpoint, it would seem more beneficial to choose a mate who looks less similar to yourself to increase the gene pool and the chances of mixing beneficial gene mutations.
Is this just a remnant of social traditions and geographical proximity? If it were the case of geographical proximity, then in an age of global transportation and more people moving away from their hometowns, this should have disappeared. To some extent, we will choose phenotypes similar to our own simply because phenotype is partially linked to the environment: since most of us stay in our country of origin, then we're not going to see radical phenotypical differences, but there is still enough variation to choose between even in relatively small countries.
If it's a remnant of social traditions, then why haven't we gotten past that yet? Get a move on, people!

Sadly this is mostly moot because I can pretty much explain everything I've brought up, just not in the context I've given.

I've also always wondered where everyone else is going, when I'm careening (not really) down the freeway. It's strange to see that in such a techno-communicational age, where you can contact anyone in the world in a matter of minutes, that I don't even talk to my neighbors much. It's very oxymoronic to live in a world where we have global communications but at the same time are so isolated.

One last thought: why, in this super-information age, does everyone blindly refuse to use what resources are available to them? Kids at work keep asking me what seem to be the most blazingly obvious things, and I just want to hand them an encyclopedia, or for the technologically literate, Wikipedia. Why not learn when it's all at your fingertips? If you want to know about something, look it up!
Which just reminds me that Wikipedia is horrible for my procrastination, since I will gleefully spend hours clicking from link to link and end up on something that's a far cry from my original topic.

TLDR: People are weird.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why the fuss?

For some reason, some pendejo stuck chewing gum to the rear windshield of my car in the twenty minutes it was parked at the Walmart parking lot. I mean, seriously, there's a trashcan right outside the effing door! Don't make my loathing of Walmart any worse!
To make it more vexing, they didn't have the vacuum belt I explicitly went to Walmart for, and the one I guessed at was too small.
At least the cold meant the gum wasn't sticky.

I had a really awesome thought earlier but I forgot it...

I guess I'm not being even vaguely interesting today, I just wanted to complain about the mild vandalism that runs rampant in the world.

In my human variations class we discussed the arbitrary classification of what makes a gene, which was resoundingly similar to the discussion we had considering the arbitrary distinctions between human races. Honestly, I think humans should stop being so anal about classifying everything, and just use whatever definition is most useful for what you're trying to explain. Definitions about such abstract ideas should be much more fluid than what the professor was trying to make us choose between. However, I like her because she thinks like I do, and likes using such concepts to confuse everyone and twist them around until they don't know what they believe anymore. It's similar to playing Devil's advocate, and I love doing it.

Since I'm talking to my friend about beards, I'll mention it here. If you're going to have facial hair, you'd damn well better take care of it. No one wants unwashed scraggly facial hair, or haphazard lazy I-didn't-feel-like-shaving-this-week facial hair. To make it simpler, I'm going to make a table. (Enjoy that I remember some HTML!...except for the weird space right after this)
Boys &dArr:

Well groomed short facial hair Good
Unkempt facial hair No. Bad.
Goatees (cut short) Acceptable
Long beards Two words: Pubic lice
Soul patch Definitely no. Never.
Neckbeard HELL. NO.

Now, this may just be my opinion, but who thought neckbeards are ever attractive? I don't care if that's the only place you can grow hair, DON'T DO IT. YOU LOOK RETARDED.

Like those guys that wear their pants around their knees. DON'T DO IT. YOU LOOK LIKE AN INEPT MORON. Plus it makes me want to set an angry bear on you, and you really don't want a half-ton of angry grizzly bear on your ass cause you can't run when your pants are around your freaking knees.
