Anyway, I'm in a really good mood despite having to call my auto insurance company tomorrow cause they're stupid and not having done my homework, cause I'm certainly having fun.
I wish I had my bike up here so I could go ride it, now that temperatures are getting reasonable. Okay, honestly, this post is more about pushing sad post off of the top for a while than actually having anything to say. But for the sake of keeping my blog interesting (other than
Tomorrow I'm taking Chris and Scott and Danielle to see the Hall of Anatomical Anomalies (which isn't officially called that, but I thought it was a suitable name) just because it's so awesome, as the name suggests. It's like A&M's own little Animal Body Horror Display. Maybe I should start calling it the Pet Shop of Horrors. I'll name everything in it, because they all have boring names like "Porcine" and I just got "Porky the Pig" on so many levels, how pathetic is that?
How's everybody's
My room is clean for the landlord to not get annoyed or take away the security deposit, and we had a fun spring cleaning couple of days. Everything is all sparkly and temporarily clean (because we know it will never stay that way,) and I'm suddenly wondering why I have so much stuff here. What is this accumulation of stuff from? I hardly ever buy anything!
Also, in true girly fashion, I have too many shoes. Ah, my shoe fetish takes up too much of my closet floor, but I refuse to get one of those door-hanging shoe racks, because that means I have too many shoes.
I guess it's back to dirty conversations before this becomes tl;dr!