To make it more vexing, they didn't have the vacuum belt I explicitly went to Walmart for, and the one I guessed at was too small.
At least the cold meant the gum wasn't sticky.
I had a really awesome thought earlier but I forgot it...
I guess I'm not being even vaguely interesting today, I just wanted to complain about the mild vandalism that runs rampant in the world.
In my human variations class we discussed the arbitrary classification of what makes a gene, which was resoundingly similar to the discussion we had considering the arbitrary distinctions between human races. Honestly, I think humans should stop being so anal about classifying everything, and just use whatever definition is most useful for what you're trying to explain. Definitions about such abstract ideas should be much more fluid than what the professor was trying to make us choose between. However, I like her because she thinks like I do, and likes using such concepts to confuse everyone and twist them around until they don't know what they believe anymore. It's similar to playing Devil's advocate, and I love doing it.
Since I'm talking to my friend about beards, I'll mention it here. If you're going to have facial hair, you'd damn well better take care of it. No one wants unwashed scraggly facial hair, or haphazard lazy I-didn't-feel-like-shaving-this-week facial hair. To make it simpler, I'm going to make a table. (Enjoy that I remember some HTML!...except for the weird space right after this)
Boys &dArr:
Well groomed short facial hair | Good |
Unkempt facial hair | No. Bad. |
Goatees (cut short) | Acceptable |
Long beards | Two words: Pubic lice |
Soul patch | Definitely no. Never. |
Neckbeard | HELL. NO. |
Now, this may just be my opinion, but who thought neckbeards are ever attractive? I don't care if that's the only place you can grow hair, DON'T DO IT. YOU LOOK RETARDED.
Like those guys that wear their pants around their knees. DON'T DO IT. YOU LOOK LIKE AN INEPT MORON. Plus it makes me want to set an angry bear on you, and you really don't want a half-ton of angry grizzly bear on your ass cause you can't run when your pants are around your freaking knees.
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