On my drive to College Station this week, I saw (and managed to take pictures of while driving with my iffy cell phone camera while no cops were looking!) the two most amazing vehicles I've ever had the pleasure to actually see on the road!

Mid-to-Post Pimp

It was bizarre...like watching Pimp My Ride in real life, only they were only partially done because, sir, that is not nearly enough pimping yet.
I expect to see these cars again in a further state of pimp. Also, the pre-pimp car was only three cars behind the post-pimp car, which was excitingly unexpected. I was just driving along, rocking out to Queen and minding my own business, and I see pre-pimp car and think, "Well, that's kinda a sweet ride, there, love the color" and lo and behold, when I pass him, there's ANOTHER one, SAME COLOR, only with added pimpiness! What are the chances, huh? I wonder if they know each other.

I cry for their gas mileage, though, since it was just viciously, brutally murdered.
The other day, my roommate and I went to the movies. There's always someone parked atrociously, but usually, you can at least tell that they made an attempt (if a pathetic attempt) at parking within the lines. Not this guy. Oh no, not only did he park in the most
Blogger, why do you insist on cramming my awesomely laid-out posts into tiny little bodies like a fat woman in a size three dress? I don't understand when you give me a reasonably sized Composition Box that is apparently 1.5 times the size of the actual body...why?