I am so bad, so sorry. I just, uh, school and stuff, and nothing interesting was happening, and I wasn't even painting my nails anything fancy, and...I should have called, shouldn't I?
Or at least texted.
I am just the worst friendblogger.
Also, Ark: Survival Evolved is all like, playable and stuff, and you know me and dinosaurs. Well, you probably don't know me, or dinosaurs, but my profile picture should be a clue I think.
Oh, um, I went to a couple conventions and The Boy and I dressed up as Col. Mustang and Lt. Hawkeye because we are painfully nerdy and I needed an excuse for the most obnoxious-to-jury-rig costumes ever. Sis was Freya from FF9 cause I finally finished her staff and hat, and I'm proud of those, except the staff didn't quite make it through the whole con. It's pvc and unscrews into two parts for transport/storage but I can't get the screw part to stay epoxied in and stay, or be straight. Maybe I should just fill the whole thing with epoxy. Throw me a line if you have any insight.
Maybe I'll spam you with costume pictures.
Iiiin a little while, probably.
Oh, yeah, we met a guy dressed as Hughes and it was the best. He was carrying a picture of his daughter and everything. Shoutout, random Hughes guy who we took a picture with!
Why aren't there any male Eds???
First I'll picture spam Freya's accessories.
PVC handle, carved insulation foam and styrofoam balls attached | to wood dowel. |
Used superglue for attaching insulation foam to dowel. Note: DO NOT USE SUPERGLUE. | Hot glue accents. |
Plasti-dip! |
Plasti-dip causes some shrinkwrap effect. Fix with poured white glue fill. Takes forever. |
Funnel! |
Painted! Krylon spray paint is my friend. Was carded at the store, buying spray paint. |
Added some weathering cause it was just too shiny. |
Two pieces! Brilliance! Sortof! |
Freya's hat is a really annoying shape constructed out of kid's craft foam and hot glue. |
This was also a pain. |
Fabric covered, hand-sewn on mask (also covered in fabric.) The wingy bits are craft foam painted silver. |
I swear I finished this hat, I just have to find the picture.
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