Sunday, March 14, 2010

Losing Time

Daylight savings time is horrible!  Not only did we lose an hour going across the time zone, but we had to set the clocks forward an hour too!  Now it's almost midnight locally and I'm not tired.  Crud.

I thought we were supposed to get better sleep this trip, but stuff just keeps happening.  On Saturday morning some jerk group of kids (presumably a school trip) woke us up at 5:10am by ..."singing," yelling at each other, and just generally being loud.  It took them over an hour to leave, and we'd checked in sometime around 1am.
This morning, mom woke me up talking in her sleep at 6:16am (again, checking in about midnight.)
She was saying something like: "ststststSSSST!," punctuating it every once in a while with a "Hnh!" or two.  She scared the crap out of me at first, because it sounded like she was hissing at me (like we do when the dogs are getting into something they shouldn't,) and I'd been sound asleep and wondering what the crap I did to piss her off.  I realized that she was talking in her sleep (or making sounds, anyway,) and waited for her to quit, since she usually doesn't do it for very long, but after about a minute (a crazy long time for talking in your sleep), I woke her up and asked her what she was dreaming about (plus it sounded like she should have been soaking her pillow with drool--apparently she didn't.)
She told me: "Well, I was trying to catch something, and I was really angry at it.  It was a little demon or something, taunting me, and I was flailing around trying to get it because it was invisible.  Every few seconds it'd change directions and say something to me, taunting me, and I just couldn't catch the damn thing!"

So mom has gremlins in her dreams.

We went back to sleep, and she woke me up about an hour later making the same kind of noises.

That time I just threw a pillow at her.

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