Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers' Day

If you want an extremely long and polarizing read about the corruption of family courts, here you go.  At first, I thought, this guy is crazy.  Then again, I think this is exactly the reason there are so many angry misogynists on the internet (look around and you'll find hordes of them in blogs and comments.)
Even the comments on that page totally miss his point, which is that the family court system is broken and needs to be fixed (or in his words, burnt down, which I can't say I condone.)
Guess it's time to start studying up for election day again, and I wonder if this incident and essay will be ignored or a platform point.

Of course, the candidates for next year aren't looking too good for me...Bad Choice #1, 2, or 3?
It's so hard when I feel like writing in Jesus or something as the next President.  Then again, Jesus' running mate would probably be the Devil or something.

Anyway, Happy Fathers' Day, don't let me and the news get you down.

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